Barbara mellix from outside in summary
Barbara mellix from outside in summary

Jack Lee (he's in Washington DC, we don't see him, Kirk and Eden are in contact with him) thinks that there is no chance for Sophia to win the case, especially since CC is in a coma and can't testify that he was the one who loaded the gun.

Barbara mellix from outside in summary trial#

office informs the Capwells that Sophia's trial is about to begin. She dreams that CC begs her to let him die. Just when he's about to tell Brandon the truth about his mother, Gina shows up with the will in her hand.Įden's nightmares continue to haunt her. Mason searches the house but can't find the will, and he's not sure Gina really has it.

barbara mellix from outside in summary

Gina threatens Mason that if he tells Brandon that Santana is his real mother, she will publish CC's will, which she has hidden somewhere in the Capwell Mansion. Mason continues to romance Mary, but she tells him that she doesn't want a relationship with him. Nick follows her to Joe's grave, but doesn't hear the content of the letter. Kelly writes a letter to Joe saying that she is falling in love with someone, and he would have been happy for her. "Well, that takes care of round one" says Kirk to himself satisfied after Eden tells him the good news over the phone. After a conversation over the phone with Jack, Eden finally decides to hire Kirk.

barbara mellix from outside in summary

He was the result of a teenage-romance between Jack and some woman, and he only knew his father when he was 15. Kirk tells Eden all about his relationship with his father, Jack Lee, hoping it will help him get the job at "Capwell Enterprises". Nick thinks that Minx was trying to prevent Brick's father from meeting him. He shares his thought with Brick, who tells him he doesn't believe that Minx would try to harm him, but Nick reveales that he has also found out that someone made sure there was a kidney available for Brick if he needed it. Barbara got a job working at an office writing business letters, it was difficult for her to get used to writing the Standard English, it was difficult because, she had used two type of English her entire life and ends up mixing both of them.Nick suspects that Minx was the one behind the mysterious phone call to Glenn Wallace, and not Augusta as he thought at first. Barbara has described standard English as a language of others” because she felt she was forced to use the language and it was not her own language, but as she grew up she realised how important it was to use standard English. Barbara felt by using proper English she started making friends in the college. In the article she explains how in her tender age she use to feel embarrassed, to speak her language In front of people who spoke standard English. When she was at home with certain relatives and friends, she would speak Black-English, and when she was with those whom she doesn’t know much, she would prefer to speak proper English but end up making a mixture between the two distinct languages. The only time Mellix felt somewhat comfortable speaking Standard-English was when she was with Strangers. For example, she says that when she spoke proper English to her brothers and sisters, they would tease her because Black-English was their native language. Mellix also describes how it was important to speak the correct English at the appropriate time. In this article Barbara learns which type of English to use for different situations, For example, she would speak Black-English when she was at her house with her entire family. Black English has different type of accents and slang in it and Standard English is the correct form of English and a form that is widely accepted. In Barbara Mellix’s article FROM OUTSIDE IN, she explains us about two different languages and how she grew learning both of them: Black English and Standard English.

barbara mellix from outside in summary barbara mellix from outside in summary

Summary of Barbara Mellix’s,”FROM OUTSIDE IN”

Barbara mellix from outside in summary